- Inovator dan banyak menghasilkan produk-produk baru.
- Produk dan jaringan distribusinya tersedia secara meluas.
- Banyak mengembangkan produk berbasis teknologi tinggi.
- Ditopang struktur bisnis yang cukup lengkap, yakni memiliki perusahaan distribusi dan jaringan rumah sakit yang mengusung merek Mitra Keluarga dan Mitra International, termasuk sekolah perawat
- Menerapkan prinsip-prinsip bisnis modern dan terbuka.
Ekspansinya ke noncore-business, seperti ke bisnis property (PT Kalbe Land) dan pendidikan (STIE Kalbe).
Sumber: - IMS April – Juni 2004
- Wawancara dan data sekunder lainnya.
Brief Description
Farma Tbk. with NPWP: 01.001.836.4-092.000 is a PMDN company
established on 10/09/1966. On 1991 it first issued 10,000,000 total
listed shares on the stock exchange.
The company is a importer, manufacturer, trader, and their business
activity include: veterinary; pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the
company is Rp. 850,000,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp.
406,080,000,000. The company’s shareholders are Enseval (52.3%), Public
(41.6%), and BNI Securities (6.1%). With its head office in Bekasi, its
products/services include pharmaceutical products, vitamins. Brands of
the company include Pro Cold, Promag, Xonce. Kalbe Farma Tbk. employs
around 6,643 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Kalbe Farma Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.3,413,097 million. This is a 18.13 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue was estimated to be Rp.2,889,209 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit
of Rp.1,948,118 million and an estimated gross profit Rp.1,623,888
million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is an increase of 19.97 per
cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for
Kalbe Farma Tbk. was 57.08 per cent while the average gross profit
before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be
38.25 per cent. As such the company’s gross profitability ratio to
turnover was better than the industry is average.
of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 15.78 per cent to
Rp.1,464,979 million compared to Rp.1,265,321 million the previous year.
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