Sanbe didirikan pada 1975 di Bandung oleh Jahja Santoso ber¬saudara (Sanbe singkatan dari “Santoso bersaudara”), alumnus jurusan farmasi ITB. Mulanya mereka hanya memproduksi obat-obatan dengan resep dokter, tetapi pada 1985 mereka juga memproduksi obat-obatan untuk hewan.Pada
1987 Sanbe mulai menjalin kerja sama internasional perta¬manya dengan
Zambeleti/Eurodrugs. Dua tahun kemudian Sanbe menda¬pat lisensi untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan obat-obatan dari Menarini, salah satu perusahaan farmasi tertua di Italia yang pada 2003 nilai penjualannya mencapai US$2,32 miliar. Menarini terkenal dengan produk-produk uji glukosa
dan urine. Memasuki 1992, Sanbe mulai memproduksi obat-obatan OTC, salah satunya bermerek Sanaflu. Lalu sembilan tahun kemudian Sanbe mulai mengembangkan divisi risetnya.Kini Sanbe, yang mempekerjakan 1.500 karyawan, memiliki 150-an produk mulai dari antibiotik klasik hingga modern, vitamin, termasuk obat-obatan hewan. Mereka memiliki 22 pusat distribusi dengan jaringan yang terdiri dari 40.000-an dokter. Seluruh pemasaran produk Sanbe saat ini dipegang oleh distributor tung¬galnya, PT Bina San Prima. Menurut Jahja Santoso, “Seluruh produk kami ditujukan untuk pasar dalam negeri.”
dan urine. Memasuki 1992, Sanbe mulai memproduksi obat-obatan OTC, salah satunya bermerek Sanaflu. Lalu sembilan tahun kemudian Sanbe mulai mengembangkan divisi risetnya.Kini Sanbe, yang mempekerjakan 1.500 karyawan, memiliki 150-an produk mulai dari antibiotik klasik hingga modern, vitamin, termasuk obat-obatan hewan. Mereka memiliki 22 pusat distribusi dengan jaringan yang terdiri dari 40.000-an dokter. Seluruh pemasaran produk Sanbe saat ini dipegang oleh distributor tung¬galnya, PT Bina San Prima. Menurut Jahja Santoso, “Seluruh produk kami ditujukan untuk pasar dalam negeri.”
- Lobi ke jaringan dokter amat kuat.
- Mulai masuk ke bisnis obat-obatan cair.
- Memiliki kekuatan dalam mengontrol distribusi obat-obatannya. Ini terutama karena produk mereka didistribusikan oleh distributor tunggal, PT Bina San Prima.
- Masih mengandalkan produk-produk antibiotik lama, seperti Amoxsan, Cefat, dan Baquinor.
- Produk-produknya kurang high-tech.
- Inovasinya masih terbatas.
Brief DescriptionSanbe Farma with NPWP: 1.104.916.0-423 is a national company established on 01/04/1975. The company is a exporter, manufacturer, and their business activity include: pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 1,905,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 1,905,000,000. With its head office in Bandung, its products/services include pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include Poldan, Sanaflu. Sanbe Farma employs around 4,003 staff in 2005Financial AnalysisIn 2005 total revenue for Sanbe Farma was recorded to be Rp.462,000 million. This is a 8.45 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total Rp.426,000 million.The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.278,000 million and a gross profit Rp.256,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 8.59 per cent. Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Sanbe Farma was 60.17 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the company’s gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry’s average.Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 8.24 per cent to Rp.184,000 million compared to Rp.170,000 million the previous year.With operating expense having increased from Rp.172,000 million in 2001 to Rp.186,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Sanbe Farma was estimated to reached Rp.84,000 million and Rp.92,000 million in 2004 and 2005 respectively.Sanbe’s Point of ViewSanbe Farma was founded in 1975. Now more than 25 years after its inception, it has grown into Indonesia’s largest ethical pharmaceutical company among over 200 pharmaceutical companies including multinationals with over 1500 employees. The major activity is of course the production and sales of medicines such as the classical and modern antibiotics, vitamins, etc., not only for human but also in the veterinary field for animal health.We serve the medical community of this vast country of over ten thousand islands through 22 own distribution centers and we keep contact with close to 40.000 medical doctors. Our portfolio has over 150 medicines and medicinal products. Our market is almost 100% domestic and relatively little effort has been made so far by us to open foreign markets yet, although we have some sales in surrounding South-East Asia (Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore) and African countries.Worldwide progress in the health science – in medical biotechnology – and the knowledge of medicines is now increasing at a speed never reached in mankind’s past. At the molecular level it has been estimated that some 500 molecules in the various cells of the human body are the known target for various medicines. The mechanism of action of one after another medicine is being elucidated. This year we have seen the decoding of the total human genome, in excess of 30.000 genes, coding for at least as many proteins, if not many more. Already a paralogue for the receptor protein of serotonin (affecting depression), a protein in the airway muscles involved in asthma and a protein in the brain linked to amyloid plaques thought to be involved in Alzheimer’s and Down’s syndromes have been identified. These are among first data from the two privately and publicly funded Human Genome projects and will undoubtedly lead to improved medication for these diseases.Indonesia has never been in the forefront of the health science, but has been provided by us and our colleagues in the pharmaceutical field, affordable medicines for its large population. We, at Sanbe Farma, have been very fortunate because we gained the knowledge to formulate – after patents expire – some of the most potent medicines ever discovered by mankind.Our labour force is skilled and cost-effective and we pray that this will be recognized by the Multinationals, the Universities and the Governments in the Western World, which should be on the lookout for opportunities to press forward in solving the huge problemsof human health with competent partners in the Eastern and Southern parts of the world. A world which has become small because of English as a common language, the Airplane and the Internet. We have decided to start our Home Page this year, in order to let the World know that we are ready to interact and also look beyond our own borders seriously. We do not want to be left behind in the world of the health industries, but want to be partners all along from the inception of a medicine to its use, from the start of a medical diagnostic device until its application. It has become easy now to interact and work together in a structural way. Medicines should be produced in the world of the cost-effective and skilled labor forces in order to render them affordable for all the people of the world.So we are not only seeking distributors for our medicines, which are produced here in Bandung in the most modern facilities and with all the care needed to preserve their quality, but we are foremost looking for overseas innovative and creative partners in our own field who are willing to give licenses to us to produce and promote the products in Indonesia, especially those of course that are particularly relevant for the prevalent diseases of the People from Indonesia.Our newly appointed and first Director of Biotech and Science, Dr. J. Hilgers from The Netherlands, will describe in his message to you how he envisions the future for Sanbe Farma in the field of “biologicals”. It is sufficient to mention here our ambitious new program, to be launched in close collaboration with Bandung’s most prestigious Institute in the field of human vaccines (The 111 year old Instituut Pasteur, now called BioFarma, recognized by the World Health Organization) in the field of human and animal vaccines and some Medical Faculties of prominent Indonesian Universities.We-all of us- at Sanbe Farma are in high spirits entering the Virtual World with our Home Page on the Internet and hope that it will bring us a wealth of new interactions and contacts, necessary to make progress in the Real World.
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